How to Communicate with Americans
This worksheet is a really good jumping off point for a discussion on cultural differences in communication. It's designed for an Austrian ESL class, but can easily be adapted. Students love hearing...
View ArticleMovie Worksheet: Friends, Season 2, Episode 5 (Ross' B-Party)
This is originally a worksheet for German learners. Before starting to watch the episode brainstorm birthday vocabulary. Then provide students with the  list of questions. After watching you might...
View ArticleMovie Worksheet: Dreamcatcher
I used this worksheet to introduce the topic 'Dreams' to my intermediate listening class. It is based on a news report about a guy who is a Native American descendant and makes dreamcatchers. The...
View ArticleMovie Worksheet: Thanksgiving Powerpoint Presentation
An amusing thanksgiving presentation with comprehension questions based on two History channel videos. The presentation allows you to introduce the topic focusing on the real origin of the celebration...
View ArticleThe USA
This is a pairwork sheet that contains basic information about the USA students should know for their exams. This is a pairwork sheet activity so the students should get into pairs and ask their...
View ArticleInteresting Places in the USA
This worksheet contains several cards with information about some places of interest that can be found in the USA. I have tried to include the most interesting information. Each student shall be given...
View ArticleNew York Sights
This is an easy task. The worksheet provides pictures of famous sights that can be found in New York city. Students have to match the name with the picture and than match it with the short...
View ArticleNew York Basic Facts
Divide students into pairs. Give each student a worksheet with information about New York. They should read the information on the worksheet. There is some missing information - they have to make a...
View ArticleUSA - Basic Facts
Students get a worksheet A or B. They have to read the text with  gaps and make up questions to ask their partner to complete the missing information. Then you can read the text with the whole class...
View ArticleWashington D.C.
This text includes some important information about the US capital - Washington D.C. Students are asked to read the text and then to answer the questions provided below the text. The text is designed...
View ArticleWashington D.C. Sights
This is a simple task in which students should get acquainted with some important sights that are to be found in the US capital - Washington D.C. I have chosen the most typical landmarks. The aim is...
View ArticleMovie Worksheet: Washington D. C. Sights
This worksheet is based on the video that can be found on Youtube. The name of the video is Washington D.C. tour and it is about 6 minutes long. There are the main historical sights presented there....
View ArticleWhat Do You Know about the USA?
This worksheet consists of four exercises including a quiz and true or false task about geographical, historical and social aspects of the USA. There is a British vs. American English exercise and the...
View ArticleGeographical Position of the USA
It is a text about the geographical position of the United States of America. It contains fact about the geographical position such as location, mountains, rivers etc. You can use it as a reading...
View ArticleUSA Quiz
This game can be used to sum up students' knowledge about the United States of America. The presentation consists of 15 questions that are not really difficult. I have downloaded the template for...
View ArticleAmerican Holidays
It is a simple text about American holidays such as Independence Day, Labour Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day and so on. The paper contains a short description of the holidays. It may be a reading...
View ArticleU.S. School Discipline (High School)
This worksheet is a great way to talk about differences between the U.S. school environment and a foreign school. The students work on their own or with a partner for the warm-up and then discuss what...
View ArticleJeopardy UK and USA
A fun game Jeopardy helps to revise all that children may know about the UK and the USA. The game revises such topics as: geography, history, politics, famous places and people, culture of the...
View ArticleMovie Worksheet: New York City Travel Guide
The lesson starts with a guessing game as ss say a number and T gives them a sentence in return. Collecting the senteces, ss have to find out which city is the class about. Then the lesson continues...
View ArticleMovie Worksheet: Modern Family Quiz
This is a 25pt. quiz based on the Season 1 Episode 1 of Modern Family. This is a great show for showing American Culture as well as family culture. It makes students laugh as well as makes them think...
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